Belleville Chiropractors

Pregnancy & Infant Edition

Alternative health providers play a very important part in your health while you are pregnant, as well as once your baby arrives. In addition to holistic nutrition, massage and other practices, chiropractic work has many benefits that will help you stay healthy and happy.

Some of the benefits during pregnancy:

  • Help maintain a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy while keeping your spine more aligned, pelvis adjusted and relieve pain from your hip, neck and back.
  • Help control symptoms of nausea.
  • Assist in reducing headaches
  • Better alignment can help with your labour & baby positioning

*Always check with your doctor to ensure chiropractic work is safe for you during your pregnancy, some conditions may affect your ability to receive chiropractic care.

Benefits For Baby

  • Help reduce misalignment from birth
  • Help ease symptoms of colic and reflux
  • Boost immune system and help ear infections
  • Aid in proper physical development which can lead to milestones being reached easier
  • Assist in treating torticolis
  • Assist in physical conditions that can affect your babies ability to breastfeed
  • Help your baby after a traumatic birth or breech birth

Belleville, Trenton & PEC have some amazing Chiropractors specifically specializing in prenatal and infant treatment. Check them out below!

Belleville Integrated Health Center- 613-966-9500

Dr Tessa Van Leeuwen- (613) 392-5111

Dr Lindy Mitchell- 613-394-3636
